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Kids with Capes

We are in-network with most major medical insurance plans.

  • BCBS

  • UHC / UMR

  • Cigna

  • Humana

  • and more

Why Choose Child’s Play & BOSS 2.0 for your therapy needs?

  • Our clinic is UNIQUE, being therapist-owned and we  strive to be the best in the area!

  • We are large enough to meet all your needs and small enough to be personable and individualize all treatments.

  • We offer 45-60 minutes treatment sessions and when visit limits with insurance are a concern every minute of therapy matters!

  • Our therapy staff is highly skilled, and all the therapists have multiple years of experience, and we work as a close-knit team.

  • We are very comprehensive and holistic, looking at the entire person and all areas of functioning!

  • We are theme-based, so each week is novel and exciting for the kids!

  • Our goal is to get to the foundation or root cause of what is keeping your child, teen, or adult from being as successful as they possibly can be and address those foundational areas through sensory-based movement and other evidenced-based strategies.

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